Weedmap (Roadmap)

Phase 1: Budda Bears Genesis Released as a free mint on October 17th, the Budda Bears are laying the foundation for a Buddaful launch!

Phase 2: Staking & $BUDS Stake N Bake! Stake your Budda Bear NFT to grow $BUDS then use / spend your $BUDS for rewards in our Bear Necessities Marketplace!

Phase 3: Animated Series + Cartoons The Budda Bear team dreams of the Good Ole' Days! We'll be animating our ambassadors and NFTs into a series based on our Lore! Phase 4: Merchandise and Collectibles Budda Bears plan on making high-quality

Phase 5: Partnerships & Collaborations With In-Real Life (WEB2) Brands and Web3 Protocols/Projects

Phase 6: Events + Budda Land 2023 IRL events and Meet-and-Greets with our Ambassadors (POAPs will be generated for those who cannot attend IRL) Budda Land 2023 NFT Music Festival

Last updated